Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sanctuary 2013

Today I decided to see if I could do a better version of an old Knees Calhoon song in the hour I have slated for music. Well, it's better, but it's not much different from the version I recorded in the 90s and presented at the Midnight Ramble back in 2012. I guess I haven't had any major epiphanies since then (besides the harmonizer and the acoustic guitar).

I got the idea for this song from my usual source of inspiration, my books. A tip for budding songwriters: if you need a good title for your song, just walk up and down the fiction aisles of a library. There are thousands of words and phrases that have been vetted by venal publishers and editors to be the most provocative, eye-catching titles possible, and they're all lined up on shelves facing you. Just tilt your head a bit to the right.

It might even help if you use the prose of the book, too. Perhaps this song would have been better if I had followed the plot of William Faulkner's book instead of using a situation I found myself in with a woman at the time. 

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